SLA Industries 2e Character sheet?

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Dec 9, 2023
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Hey everyone:smile:

I've recently started a SLA Industries 2e game. So far we are liking the system. But the character sheets leave alot wanted to put it mildly- the second page is just blank and the weapon armor is a couple of lines it's a mess :grin:

I've searched the web thin for a better character sheet with more room and details. Does anyone have that ?
Sooo since there doesn't seem to be anyone that will share an improved sheet I made one myself. 2 pages and a 3rd page for ebb users.

If anyone is interested in it let me know, but first is there anything legal I should worry about ? I don't charge anything but gratitude
I don't know much about SLA, but there was a thread about it here some months back; it seemed like a completely gonzo and quintessentially early 90s crazy party. A decent charsheet would be cool. It'll come in really handy for next month's "post one character a day" challenge at the very least. And welcome to the Pub!
Awesome. As I said I will gladly share the sheets, it's a 2 page, (3 for ebb users) lemme know of ya need it
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