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  1. Fenris-77

    Monster Stat Blocks

    So, lets talk about optimized stat blocks for monsters. Some of this is about system, high crunch need big blocks, and, honestly, that's not my interest here. But for lighter games, lets say roughly B/X light or thereabouts, how do people best like to present and use monster stat blocks? My...
  2. Fenris-77

    Shadowdark: Journeys and Exploration

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: Shadowdark: Journeys and Exploration - Travel, hexcrawl, weather, and wilderness encounter rules Read more about this resource...
  3. Fenris-77

    Telegraphing Dungeon Badness - Shadowdark

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: Telegraphing Dungeon Badness - Shadowdark - For Shadowdark and other OSR crawlers Read more about this resource...
  4. Fenris-77

    Ave Nox/Shadowdark/Acid Death Fantasy

    So the PDF for Charles Ferguson-Avery's mega dungeon Ave Nox just dropped and I'm excited to run it. I'm going to run it live over Discord/whiteboard using the Shadowdark rules and set in the Thousand Sultanates from Troika's Acid Death Fantasy supplement. So it'll be slightly gonzo science...
  5. Fenris-77

    Free Form OSR Spellcasting

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: Free Form OSR Spellcasting - Based on the Stara Szkola Rules Read more about this resource...
  6. Fenris-77

    Stara Szkola One Shots - Historical Fantasy

    I've just finished a beta version of some free form OSR magic rules for Stara Szkola and I want to playtest them some. I'm working up a one shot scenario now and I'd like to run it several times to see how both Stara Szkola rules and my new magic rules function in the wild. Ideally this will be...
  7. Fenris-77

    Free Form OSR Spellcasting (Stara Szkola)

    I've gotten as far as a possibly useful beta in my quest for free form OSR spellcasting. This is done specifically for Stara Szkola and uses the d20 die pool system from there, but I think it could be used in most OSR games with minimal faffing. I'd love any feedback anyone has about it.
  8. Fenris-77

    Shadowdark play testers wanted!

    So I'm working up a set of journey and exploration rules for Shadowdark. I'd love to send a copy to anyone who's actually playing the game if they'd be willing to give them a test spin and tell me what they think. I'm probably half done at the time of this post and I'd also be willing to chat...
  9. Fenris-77

    Advantage in Percentile Systems - Help!

    I need someone with better math chops that me to double check something for me. Mothership uses advantage as roll an additional set of % dice and choose the best pair. So that's two sets of d% in a roll under environment with targets between 1 and 100. My back of napkin math for that system...
  10. Fenris-77

    Ranger Class for Shadowdark

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: Ranger Class for Shadowdark - A new class for Shadowdark Read more about this resource...
  11. Fenris-77

    Deconstructing OSR Spellcasting Stara Szkola style

    So as part of a little project I'm working on I'm thinking about magic somewhat differently than the OSR standard (so old school D&D, evocation etc). I'd like to see if I can set a range of statements that show the intent of the magic, or what it is designed/capable of. This is in service of a...
  12. Fenris-77

    Systems and Licenses

    Now that we have an in-house Zine, issues concerning licenses and whatnot are all of a sudden more pressing. I thought it might be helpful to compile a list of systems and licenses, especially those that are CC rather than OGL/ORC or some other 3PL to help us all navigate the murky waters of...
  13. Fenris-77

    [IC] Dolmenwood

    It is the Moot the 4th, in the first week of Symswald, the 4th month of the year. It has been a bitter winter but things are finally starting to warm up and the town and countryside are alive with the tinkle of snowmelt. Prigwort is emerging from its winter slumber and there is a sense of...
  14. Fenris-77

    Dolmenwood Player Map

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: Dolmenwood Player Map - It's a map! Of Dolmenwood!! Read more about this resource...
  15. Fenris-77

    Dolmenwood Calendar

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: Dolmenwood Calendar - It's a calendar! Read more about this resource...
  16. Fenris-77

    The Forbidden Stairs

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: The Forbidden Stairs - YZE Mashup Mayhem Read more about this resource...
  17. Fenris-77

    Dolmenwood: Prigwort Gazetteer

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: Dolmenwood: Prigwort Gazetteer - A Player's Guide to Prigwort Read more about this resource...
  18. Fenris-77

    Bookhounds of London (Trail of Cthulhu) PbP

    Just taking a temperature check for interest here. Once my other PbP is up and running (so January sometime) I'm thinking of running a Bookhounds campaign PbP here on the Pub. Bookhounds is a Trail of Cthulhu variant that focuses more specifically on Mythos books, their aqcuisition, and the...
  19. Fenris-77

    The Alexandrian on Game Structure

    Fenris-77 submitted a new resource: The Alexandrian on Game Strucrure - A Collection of 15 Articles Read more about this resource...
  20. Fenris-77

    Karaoke Support Group

    Just checking to see if I'm the only karaoke whore here. If there are more this is the place to chat.
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