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  1. ffilz

    Monster Stat Blocks

    Here's a sample critter stat block from the Cold Iron Blackmarsh Adventures bestiary. For reference, Pt is hit points, H is attack, HtH Hm is what the critter uses to try and tag someone for grappling, HtH is the grapple rating, Db is it's dodge, Dbl is its dodge vs. weapons. MA is open...
  2. ffilz

    What games had the perfect Setting but the wrong System?

    Yea, I've thought about Arcana Unearthed/Evolved with a different rule system. Part of the challenge is some of what is interesting is the classes and the way they progress. Moving it out of the 3.x classes, levels, and feats, would make it hard to capture that. Baring that, one could just take...
  3. ffilz

    Form-Fillable Character Sheets

    For Cold Iron, I developed a sheet from scratch. Tables for skills, weapons, and armor are built in:
  4. ffilz

    Form-Fillable Character Sheets

    I've taken to using Google Sheets for character sheets. For RuneQuest, I have this for the campaign, the core was developed by one of my players but I added the summary sheet and tweaked things:
  5. ffilz

    RPG forgettery

    The problem is when the players clamor to use options the GM hasn't even read yet. I tried GURPS and ultimately it just didn't click for me. And it's not that I'm necessarily opposed to a tool kit game, Cold Iron as presented to me was a combat system, a magic system, a few monsters, and some...
  6. ffilz

    Complex combat doesn't necessarily turn me off. You?

    Yea, that's sometimes a problem I have with systems. It was one thing that turned me off from Riddle of Steel (well, also trying to manage more than a one-on-one combat as GM). It's a problem I have with the D&D's Weapons vs. Armor (which notably Classic Traveller does NOT have since it includes...
  7. ffilz

    How badly has D&D been mismanaged?

    Or it can be a huge difference. When my kids were babies and toddlers, VTT play enabled me to play because I was still available to my family. That's actually still the case, though not as critical. And the driving time IS important. I have a 2 hour time slot for gaming. If I had to drive, it...
  8. ffilz

    What games have an excellent system but a cruddy or unsuitable setting?

    I definitely mostly like thin settings. Glorantha is the big exception for me, though I also prefer sticking with the 1e/2e era materials so not thin, but also wide open for my own interpretations.
  9. ffilz

    What games have an excellent system but a cruddy or unsuitable setting?

    One of the things that has always been maddening for me about Palladium titles are city maps (and maybe some location maps) that are cut off to fit the page. Just looking through "The Old Ones" it looks like just about every city map fills the page. But there's lots that always looked cool...
  10. ffilz

    RPG forgettery

    A problem I have seen with generic systems is a desire to be really generic. I.e. exactly the same rules are used in all genres. That does lose something to me. GURPS and Hero have enough knobs and dials to not be that generic, though granted, part of the problem with Fantasy Hero was trying to...
  11. ffilz

    Mod+ Ai generated content in RPGs

    The head on the second one is set too far back...
  12. ffilz

    Moderation Discussion Thread of 2024

    I think the moderators are not making enough controversial calls given the drift in this thread... :-)
  13. ffilz

    Why I dislike 2d6 resolution systems

    Right, that's my point. Any kind of modifier has some aspect that ends up being non-intuitive. And I was partly joking about the normal distribution. But it does offer a view point where any modifier has a consistent effect for both chance of success AND chance of failure, but that's because...
  14. ffilz

    RPG forgettery

    In the case of Glorantha, I happen to like RuneQuest. Every other setting I've used from someone else, I've used in for a system other than the home system (well, OK, I DID run an OD&D play by post in Wilderlands of High Fantasy - that was cool too...). But then what I am usually looking for is...
  15. ffilz

    Why I dislike 2d6 resolution systems

    Yes, but halving the chance of success doesn't double the chance of failure... That's the non-intuitive disconnect I'm highlighting. Fortunately, with d100 roll under systems, players focus on chance of success and any method of modifiers (addition/subtraction or multiplication/division) remain...
  16. ffilz

    What games have an excellent system but a cruddy or unsuitable setting?

    Hmm, trying to think... Obviously we discard all those systems that didn't really come with a setting. I don't think I can... The systems that have drawn me for extended campaigns are: OD&D and AD&D 1e - published without a setting RuneQuest - Glorantha is a just fine setting Traveller - the...
  17. ffilz

    Why I dislike 2d6 resolution systems

    Unfortunately the change in probability when you add +1 to a die roll always has some non-intuitive applications. Yes, on a bell curve, the change in raw probability is non-intuitive, but even on a d20, the change in probability for a +1 is not totally intuitive depending on how you look at it...
  18. ffilz

    RPG forgettery

    Some thoughts... One thing is I distinguish "house system" from "generic" or "universal" system. Although a number of Chaosium RPGs were based on BRP, each was different in little ways that offered more customization to the setting. I mostly take aim at GURPS and Hero when talking generic...
  19. ffilz

    RPG forgettery

    At one time I would have bought into this. But then, I consider what I actually end up enjoying. Glorantha is interesting to me because of the specific mechanics of RuneQuest 1/2 coupled with Cults of Prax. No generic system is going to do that for me without basically redesigning RQ1/2+Cults...
  20. ffilz

    What games had the perfect Setting but the wrong System?

    I can almost always accommodate new players... Yea, more or less... :-)
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