
Best Selling RPGs - Available Now @ DriveThruRPG.com
  1. GiantToenail

    Any good toolkit books for the different genres of ttrpg out there?

    Looking through my copy of mythras has got me thinking about modifiers, bonuses, roll percentages, and using the existing rules as creatively as possible, to the point where I want to look at other ttrpg systems in more depth and what I can scratch together from looking at other folk's takes at...
  2. Lunar Ronin

    Crafty Games Out?

    Several years ago, I bought the entire Fantasy Craft RPG line from Crafty Games in both print and PDF. Why, I don't exactly recall as fantasy isn't exactly my genre. I think I just wanted to see the rules. Anyhoo, I received an e-mail message from Crafty Games on December 17th stating that...
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