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This... is just great

I saw this essay a while ago and it does a good job of restating what Lucas has said about his intentions with the films well. Those statements, like his interest in the abstraction of colour and movement in the light saber duels, made me more sympathetic to what he was attempting in the prequels even if I still consider the films themselves failures.
This... is just great

Another element was that Lucas and his companions were obsessed with collecting and creating weird sounds before and during the original trilogy. This imparts mood and helps the music on a more basic level than dialogue. Think of lightsabers, droid beeps, TIE fighters, and Vader's breathing - they make the movies feel alien. They, along with detailed set design, make the world feel bigger than the movie set.

I think the lack of these elements are what make most of the ripoffs feel like cardboard.
A classic from The Onion I'm including in this thread for posterity.

A classic from The Onion I'm including in this thread for posterity.

You know, I've always had a rather active and imaginative sex drive. Yet, somehow I never pondered that. I feel somehow I have failed myself by not giving what does Yoda's penis look like a passing thought.
It was really good. The ending was tense and suspenseful without unnecessary ramping up of threat by dramatic losses just for the sake of loss (I'm still not over Wash in Serenity)
I think I was scared for all of them at one point or another. I did love when they heard about the Zillo beast, they said was it Echo or Omega and they immediately said Omega
My son is getting ready to graduate and head off to college, I wasn't ready for that ending.
Wait until the co-pays come in! Parent Plus loans are yours plus whatever the kid generates themselves on top of that. It's cranking me for just short of $2,000.00 a month until the day I die for four kids. heh.
I didn't know that Lucas was being recognized with an honourary Palme d'or at Cannes this year.

For non-filmnerds: Cannes is the most prestigious film festival in the world. The Palme d'or is a pretty big deal.

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